Mystery B-Grade Med Bag Deal

Mystery B-Grade Med Bag Deal

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You will receive 4 Mystery items in the Med Bag.

It would normally cost $50+ for this collection for ONLY $20

We want to spread some New Year Joy and maybe it is the perfect Valentine's mystery to give.  

The items that could be included with the Med Bag are as follows:

  *Blue, Purple or Green for the Med Bag itself

  *Patches- Don't touch me, Queer Joy is Sacred, Nonbinary Scorpion, Pride Scorpion,   Gender has No Dress Code and Death Moth 

  *T4T Button, Death Moth Ring, Luna Socks 

  *Suncatchers Stickers- Ribcage Moth, Rosy Moth, Luna Moth, Pride Moon, Moth       Rainbow 

Some of these items are no longer in stock so it will be your last chance to get them!!!